%%% use with quant script (VBAM_NucAlignmentQuant_EXAMPLE_v2023july5) %% %Authors: Isabella A. Bagdasarian, Joshua T. Morgan %Lab: TIME lab, PI:Dr. Joshua Morgan, Bioengineering Department %Institution: Univerisity of California, Riverside %last edited 07/05/2023 IAB % Description: Prepares output directories and organizes .lif file % directory for downstream processing with % VBAM_NucAlignmentQuant_EXAMPLE_v2023july5. Allows for user defined flags % to redo chunks of analysis as needed. Allows for users to specify data % input directory (dataLoc) and output directory (fileLoc). clearvars close all clc %% FLAGS & USER INPUTS REDO_stitch = 0; %set to 1 if stitching needs to be redone REDO_nuc = 0; %set to 1 if nuclei seg needs to be redone REDO_WS = 0; %set to 1 if nuclei watershedding needs to be redone REDO_skm = 0; %set to 1 if nuclei watershedding needs to be redone % specify data location and save location dataLoc = 'H:\DenseCultures_VBAMCellularity_lifs\'; % offset storage location for stitching offsetLoc = 'D:\Bella\Muscle\offsets\'; %image output outdir1 = 'H:\Bella\Muscle\analysis\'; namey = 'NucAlignment Quant'; outdir2 = ['output' '_' namey '_' '31-March-2023' '\'];%define saving folder fileLoc = [outdir1 outdir2]; %define full saving location if ~isdir(sprintf('%s',fileLoc))%make a folder if it doesn't exist mkdir(sprintf('%s',fileLoc)) end %% make file list FileList1 = dir([dataLoc, '*.lif']); lg = (length(FileList1)); %% for file = [1:lg] Stic = tic; IM_FILE = FileList1(file).name; BaseFileName = sprintf('%s', IM_FILE(1:end-4)); fprintf(sprintf('Begin analysis on %s... \n',BaseFileName)) VBAM_NucAlignmentQuant_EXAMPLE_v2023july5 Stoc = toc(Stic); fprintf(1,'Analysis took %f seconds.\n',Stoc) clearvars -except lg FileList1 fileLoc outdir1 outdir2 ... offsetLoc dataLoc REDO_stitch REDO_skm REDO_nuc REDO_WS ... end