Ongoing Research Projects
Biology of Glaucoma - Glaucoma is a family of degenerative ocular diseases, typically associated with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). The prime regulator of IOP is aqueous humor outflow through the human trabecular meshwork (HTM) and prior work has established numerous structural, mechanical, and biological changes within the HTM that correlate with glaucoma severity. Ongoing work in the lab is focused on identifying new biomarkers of glaucoma, with a focus on changes in the translatome and cellular metabolism. Work performed in Collaboration with Justin Chartron, Ph.D. and with financial support of The Glaucoma Foundation and UCR Research & Economic Development.
Cell-Cell Signaling In Senescence - Senescence is the irreversible exit of the cell cycle and is an essential physiological response in development, wound healing, and tumor suppression. However, accumulation of senescent cells in disease and aging can drive tissue dysfunction and tumor growth by modifying the tissue microenvironment. We study how senescent cells signal to other cell populations to drive overall tissue dysfunction. Work performed with financial support of University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee (CRN-20-637461).
Organotypic Models of Aging - Aging is associated with changes at the cellular and tissue scales. Cellular changes are well studied using current in vitro methods, but tissue-scale changes rely on in vivo models. We are developing a novel class of in vitro culture models that approach the complexity and scale of in vivo tissue studies, while maintaining the accessibility and flexibility of conventional cell culture. Work performed with financial support of American Heart Association (19IPLOI34760636) and UCR Academic Senate.
None of this would be possible without support from:
American Heart Association (19IPLOI34760636)
University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee (CRN-20-637461)
The Glaucoma Foundation
University of California, Riverside Research & Economic Development
University of California, Riverside Academic Senate